
IT organization with the 3rd forces has been gang stalking to kill me by SCENARIO

日本語はこちらから> http://keplerpeace.blogspot.jp/2014/05/atos_29.html

Version 1.7 2014 July 4 12:07 
to be updated soon today. Also the link will be changed to make it shorter.


I've been attacked by electromagnetic wave includes V2K, DEW, USW and so on. The 3rd forces has been killed my brain activities, disturbed my life, my sleep, my think(talk, write and so on), my life plan, my activities includes driving, job re-search, own job to make money and so on. So, you might not be able to understand smoothly what I meant sometimes in the sentence also they use microwave to change character after I uploaded. I will amend them day by day when the attack is lower level than other time. 
For your information. My TOEIC score is over 900 and business conversation level to speak in English actually.

The criminals are 

  • Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin(Japan, was Kawasaki combine, bankrupted) who worked at Initial M ex-Insurance company as employee He was a manager but he is only a man in a team which means no staff. 
  • ATOS well know as ATOS ORIGIN they provide us IT outsourcing service. 

The violent electronic wave attack has started as follows;

  • Right after I went for an interview to Tokyo for revive of my life last summer(2014
  • ATOS and Tadashi Toyama has gone from Initial M insurance company before Aug 2014.

They have been attacked me according to SCENARIO(Story), PROGRAMMING(Condition, Threshold, Mode), Command(Level) and so on. And It's held automatically, manually by neuro computer has fuzzy circuit according to the condition such where I'm, what I'm going to do, what I'm doing and so on.


After I joined a company, The job description has changed by Tadashi Toyama immediately even I'm NOT 
specialist in the lower area, put me lower position and assigned me lower task than my skill. My boss just follow his idea and made him control me even he is not boss for me. And, He does NOT have enough knowledge and experience in IT includes people(mind and so on), methodology, tools, process, and so on. Also He was lack of mind as a manager and colleagues. 

So, It's been getting messed the work environment up day by day by Tadashi Toyama who has wheelchair. And, ATOS ORIGIN IT outsourcing service is so mesh they have no enough knowledge and experience in IT includes people(skill, mind and so on), methodology, tools, process, and so on. 

Before I join there seems be politics to make Japanese a fall. He might be scared about it or corporated it. He has greed to conquest his boss to be boss of his boss. 

Anyway, I decided to start finding a job right after I joined. But They found out soon I'm looking for a job somehow. At that time, There were suspicious matter in my room somebody got in my room many times...  too many suspicious matter happened again and again to lose my money, time and so on. I've been got power harassment from Tadashi Toyama right after two weeks since I joined the office and It's been continued in the office for more than four years. it was very tough to find a job looks somebody has disturbed my job findings.... they have been done TEMPEST and got in my room many times... They tried to fire me because I started to find a job and looks know my thoughts about my job. I was slave for Tadashi Toyama who worked for financial combine and they made the company crash.

Too many strange things happened but I did my best to bring efficiency and effectiveness even it's not my special area But I had been improved them based on my experience, knowledge and gain new knowledge by myself.

I sometimes asked/requested ATOS to improve support and the setting of tools to work smoothly and easily for when we had a problem in advance. Because, Their call flow is messed up and they won’t identify when, what, where is the problem at that time and at least. So, I suggested and requested to implement solution with drawing. But They had been rejected to implement my solution with too many questions. But the other system used the tools like my solution actually it's function and aim of the tools which means they could not been utilized the tools to provide even sufficient support from any view points. After that, They had hatred what I said and about me. it's very strange behave and they are very peaky , childish and not business man. So, I carefully, politely and clearly explain them with documents to bring all of us happy. But, It happened it's started to behave disturbing my promotion and stalking me to make me schizophrenia for breaking my BRAIN by antipsychotic drug, be unemployment. Actually, It was continued by Tadashi Toyama and ATOS right after I joined. They work together with Japanese combine team has greed and hate to the office and the 3rd forces includes the Religious body, Detective(who has license same mind as Yakuza) and actual Gang such getting in my room, car, TEMPST, V2K, DEW and so on. I was into trap to been schizophrenia by their scenario and for now. And, I decided to quit the office due to the antipsychotic drug that was brought that I can not think to work, can not control my body cycle and so on and it's not possible to stop taking the medicine and withdrawal rapidly not like cold medicine. Also, I did not want my boss in trouble. New boss was very nice.

After I quit, I had to back to my home town to recover my brain and body where the town far from their head office about 2000 km but they’ve been made a basement at neighbourhood place to attack me and asked neighbourhood to cooperate to do stalking(mobbing and gaslighting). They've been made me schizophrenia by microwave such RF, LF, HF, V2K, DEW, USW even I did NOT attack them, even I know they are the criminal to me and even after I slow withdrawal of antipsychotic drug.

They have been planned and asked the 3rd focus to KILL ME anywhere and anytime to do mobbing, anchoring, gas lighting, blighting, collision campaign as trigger according to their V2K SCENARIO includes bringing black helicopter in the sky (could be comes from Sasebo base) and heard sounds like followed me when I drive on way home. 



What is V2K, DEW and USW are in below:

V2K: V2K can control you and around you who has brain and neuron these are controlled by EEG(ELECTRONIC SIGNAL) as you know. They can send EEG via microwave to your head to control. These are not only affected Human, Animals, insects and so on. It could be against a tree also.

Also. They can send microcode to the electronic devices such PC, Smartphones, car, power, wired line and so on via microwave. 
DEW: Direct Energy Weapon can hurt and cut your body inside and kill you remotely via microwave.
USW: Ultra Sonic Wave can make you sick and so on. you will lose your control if you get.

Road map of schizophrenia:

  • 2006/8/X Strange PPI request:
    • was asked by other colleague to write PPI down on memo not formal document. I asked other colleague about this. but nobody was asked like me.
  • 2006/8/X Different Job description 
    • The job description was different from what I heard from interviewer(Toyama) and It was lower position and my skill was not required so I started to find a job.
  • 2006/8/X Childish meeting with ATOS :
    • had meeting with ATOS several times, I felt their service level is very useless and lower quality than what I have ever seen before. They have no enough skills in IT service, IT and the reporting. Also, Tadashi Toyama who controlled ATOS mainly has just vender management knowledge like host computing not focus on IT strategy, IT security, IT architect, IT service and so on.
  • 2006/8/X Intruder:
    • Somebody got in my room many times right after I joined the company. it was more than 20 times at least even I quit the office, It has been intruded my room car, and house for now (Jul 2014)
  • 2006/8/X Power harassment:
    • Toyama behave was turned and has started to do power harassment to me.
  • 2006/8/X My mind has turned
    • Disappointed about ATOS, Tadashi Toyama and my treatment. But I did not talk in the office. But The thoughts and re-job search plan was transfered to my boss, Tadashi Toyama and ATOS how come. My boss asked me "Are you looking for a job?"
  • 2006/8/X Strange car was appeared
    • The car "Bigger one box car" parked and has many labels and has RF antenna. So, I called police to remove it.
  • 2007/5/X Strange Hollow on my car: 
    • Bought Lexus has a hollow within two days without scratch
  • 2007/6/X Inside scratch in my car: 
    • Got scratch even nobody use my side seat within a month and did not use the seat.
  • 2008/X   Impossible to access Internet that I really need to use than anyone in IT:
    • Investigated with NTT and it was connected to other MDF port
    • Somebody got in the management room of apartment and the house keeper was kept open the door even there is MDF and so on.
  • 2009/9/15 Strange passenger:
    • Strange man was appeared in front of me right after I left my apartment to take my car. But I thought I should take a train because I have no time to drive and he was suspicious to me. So, I went to the road to take a taxi. At that time, The guy was appeared in front of me soon again and he was whisper laughing. I ignored him to pass and was hide behind the electronic pole to check. He surely was watching me also he was hide from me.
  • 2009/9/15 later Intruder and trap:
    • My PC was moved, something was installed, some shortcut was created on my desktop and the cover was open that I could not the beep from PC when I turned on.
  • 2009/9/15 later Intruder
    • My shoes was moved by somebody that I could know is I took picture of my shose before I went to office, My bed was bendwarp when to back which is not as usual, My books in the bookshelf was moves also.
  • 2009/9/15 later Intruder via Wi-Fi
    • Turned on automatically even I turned off Wi-FI and was in used.
  • 2009/9/15 later Intruder by ATOS Kentaro Hayashi 
    • Put paper on my TV has gone within 2 days and my colleague was talking Kentaro Hayashi was removed.
  • 2009/9/22 later Intruder by ATOS Kentaro Hayashi 
    • suspicious matter has been continued so I took sounds by my recorder in PCM mode and hide it somewhere before I go shopping. After I backed to my home, There were suspicious sound such somebody was writing something on several plastic bag that was caused of I cleaned my room. It could be a special pen for black light. Also the plastic bag was moved strangely. After the day, My colleague was talking Kentaro Hayashi was arranged them and complain these was moved by me again
  • 2009/9/22 My colleague was appeared with black-lacquered on his face
    • My colleague Tadashi Toyama who has been done power harassment on me was appeared nearby with black-lacquered on his face and laughing it was aroud 22:00.
  • 2009/9/22  Collision campaign by ATOS ORIGIN employee
    • Atos started collision campaign anywhere even I moved somewhere by my car fast they appeared many times to do mobbing. The one of them Kentaro Hayashi@ ATOS DCS? was appeared around 22:00 weekday. It's far from his home about 40 km at least. The other group walked and followed me very fast. So, I said Don't follow me! They said if we won't follow we will be crashed by someone.
  • 2009/9/22 Conquest me by strange mind and fear 
    • made my mind something scattered on internet. Sometimes somebody was trying to take a photo of me by movie mode... by chance?
  • 2009/9/30 Strange moves
    • some people marchparaded on the radder when I slept in the early morning.
  • 2009/10/01 Mobbing man was appeared
    • He passed by me said I'm happy I can live.... I saw him twice. But I have never seen him before.
    • There seem be Spy here...
  • 2009/10/01 Sleep disturbance
    • has been heard strange small sounds includes patrol car, loud electronic noise and so on.
  • 2009/10/X Murder came?
    • When to sleep it was around 2:00 AM. I heard sounds somebody was trying to open my room key. When I found it out, They started to run away from my apartment. The voice was ATOS ORIGIN Kentaro Hayashi...
  • 2009/10/X Strange HR
    • Even I have enough paid holiday about 40 days, HR forced me to get evidence from Doctor to take a rest for seeing how Tadashi Toyama moves. Why I have more than 40 days is cause of Tadashi Toyama disturbed me to take a rest and assigned too many tasks which nobody wanted to do before I joined.
  • 2009/11/X Strange neighbourhood
    • saw unknow person in my apartment when to out. He was carried heavy device out from the room and said He is there! and backed to his room.

Phase 1 : KILL and No Money plan (Making me schizophrenia or death by accident)

    August 2006

  • The Job description was different from what I heard from Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin after I joined. 
  • Somebody got in my room many times after 7 days since I joined.
  • I was asked by my colleague about my PPI to write it down on a note even it's not related to operation of the department. 
    • I found it later that nobody wrote PPI on small paper like memo and passed to a colleague.
  • My boss asked in a month, "Are you looking for a job again?". 
    • Even I did not call agency in the office and near by. Also I did not send an email from the office and nearby. 
  • Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin has changed his behavior against me after 10 days.
    • Somebody has got in my room since I joined the insurance company works with Tadashi Toyama@linkedin after a week and happened more than 20 times
  • Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin(Japan) started to do power harassment
    May 2007
  • Got scratch right after I bought new Lexus within 2 days.
  • Got scratch right after I bought new Lexus within 1 month even nobody sit down my side seat
    August 2009: 

    September 2009:
  • 2009/9/15 Strange passenger:
    • Strange man was appeared in front of me right after I left my apartment to take my car. But I thought I should take a train because I have no time to drive and he was suspicious to me. So, I went to the road to take a taxi. At that time, The guy was appeared in front of me soon again and he was whisper laughing. I ignored him to pass and was hide behind the electronic pole to check. He surely was watching me also he was hide from me.
  • 2009/9/15 later Intruder and trap:
    • My PC was moved, something was installed, some shortcut was created on my desktop and the cover was open that I could not the beep from PC when I turned on.
  • 2009/9/15 later Intruder
    • My shoes was moved by somebody that I could know is I took picture of my shose before I went to office, My bed was bendwarp when to back which is not as usual, My books in the bookshelf was moves also.
  • 2009/9/15 later Intruder via Wi-Fi
    • Turned on automatically even I turned off Wi-FI and was in used.
  • 2009/9/15 later Intruder by ATOS Kentaro Hayashi 
    • Put paper on my TV has gone within 2 days and my colleague was talking Kentaro Hayashi was removed.
  • 2009/9/22 later Intruder by ATOS Kentaro Hayashi 
    • suspicious matter has been continued so I recorded sounds by my recorder in PCM mode and hide it somewhere before I went for shopping. After I backed to my home, There were suspicious sound such somebody was writing something on several plastic bags that was made of I cleaned my room. It could be a special pen for black light. Also the plastic bags were moved strangely. After the day, My colleague was talking Kentaro Hayashi(Kentaro.Hayashi.714) of ATOS ORIGIN was arranged them and complain these was moved by me again.
    • Was removed paper on TV by somebody after I backed to my home. Bad mouth lady colleague was talking with colleague Kentaro Hayashi of ATOS ORIGIN removed the paper from TV. Also, Kentaro Hayashi has gone without notice to his colleague during business hour.
  • 2009/9/22 around  My colleague was appeared with black-lacquered on his face
    • My colleague Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin(Japan) who has been done power harassment on me was appeared nearby with black-lacquered on his face and laughing it was aroud 22:00.
    • He utilized he is disabled that everybody will think it must be difficult to move somewhere. But He can move anywhere he is very active.
  • 2009/9/22 around My colleague Mobbed in the night physically or V2K
    • My colleague Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin(Japan) was talking out side of my apartment that he got an approval to get in my room from his known chief officer not in IT.
  • 2009/9/22  Collision campaign by ATOS ORIGIN employee
    • Atos started collision campaign anywhere even I moved somewhere by my car fast they appeared many times to do mobbing. The one of them Kentaro Hayashi@ ATOS DCS? was appeared around 22:00 weekday. It's far from his home about 40 km at least. The other group walked and followed me very fast. So, I said Don't follow me! They said if we won't follow we will be crashed by someone.
  • 2009/9/22 Conquest me by strange mind and fear 
    • made my mind something scattered on internet. Sometimes somebody was trying to take a photo of me by movie mode... by chance?
  • 2009/9/30 Strange moves
    • some people marchparaded on the radder when I slept in the early morning.
  • 2009/10/01 Mobbing man was appeared
    • He passed by me said I'm happy I can live.... I saw him twice. But I have never seen him before.
    • There seem be Spy here...
  • 2009/10/01 Sleep disturbance
    • has been heard strange small sounds includes patrol car, loud electronic noise and so on.
  • 2009/10/X Murder came?
    • When I slept around 2:00 AM. I heard sounds somebody was trying to open my room by their key. I found the noise out then, They started to run away from my apartment. The voice was ATOS ORIGIN Kentaro Hayashi and more...
  • 2009/10/X Strange HR
    • Even I have enough paid holiday about 40 days, HR forced me to get evidence from Doctor to take a rest for seeing how Tadashi Toyama moves. Why I have more than 40 days is cause of Tadashi Toyama disturbed me to take a rest and assigned too many tasks which nobody wanted to do before I joined.
  • 2009/10/X Strange Doctor and was on Gang stalking scenario
    • Was deceived by Doctor told me the medicine is like for stomach ache. He just told me that you can sleep well and you will be settle down. But I was settle down and sleep well actually. I have never told him I can not sleep at the first sights. He just asked me what happened so I told him as the matter of fact that I got suspicious matter from colleague which makes me a fall schizophrenia.
    • Faced/Had FEVER, HARD STOMACH ACHE, CONSTIPATION, COGNITVIE IMPAIRMENT, so on within a week. I tried to stop the medicine but I COULD NOT SLEEP, CONTINUOUS FEVER, CONTINUOUS DIARRHEA by withdrawal symptoms. So, I have to keep it take to have more stable life but actually perfectly UNSTABLE LIFE. So, I COULD NOT THINK TO WORK and KEEP MY BODY CONDITION TO WORK by degree cause of ANTIPSYCHOTIC DRUG. After several month, I LOST MY BODY CONTROL PERFECTLY and COULD NOT BE SLEPT, LOW SIGHT, LOST CONCENTRATION, CRACK MY TEETH and so on cause of it.
     Fall 2010:
  • Decided to quit cause of drug deprivation by degree and back to my home town to live.
Phase 2 : KILL MY LIFE PLAN (has been made me schizophrenia plan)

    Fall 2010:

  • Saw paper PC box of DELL in shed of neighbourhood that I could see them when to work with Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin(japan) at the office and the neighbourhoods is not IT engineer means won't buy DELL. Also, The neighbourhood built small shed in front of the shed.
  • My father decided to purchase Digital TV suddenly even he was not going to buy it soon. (SSSS: Silent Sound Spread Spectrum)
  • Strange electronic noise in the midnight when I was sleep like many small birds is chatting for now

    • Strange neighbourhoods behavior, talking and mobbing man was appeared for now
    • looks microwave attacked my hippocampus  around 2:00 AM when I slept  and woke up then a car run away in front of my house like I could hear the sounds.
    • Increased car moves for now
    • Started to do drug deprivation by degree
    • Started to find a job and developing Android application to make money according to my app specification which I finished to make a list  and has been having many ideas for several years. 
    • Started to increase strange mind when I watch TV and Movie It could be by V2K even I was not aware of them actually because SHIT!.
    • Somebody walked in my land to put hidden bug by business shoes and Got in my car and to mobb for now
    • A man has green strap on his neck and has initial M in colored in white who parked his car beside on my way direction to seems be calling. I passed him to go destination and I was followed by me even he is not familiar.
    • Was got in my car at parking and left my PC how come. Right after I parked my car, A car  parked behind me even it's not close to the shop and too many vacancies in the park. One guy was followed me and stand beside me for a moment and gone suddenly. The baggage was opened a little and PC battery went to 20% even I fully charged it before I came and strange dialog box was appeared when to open my PC. the dialog box has no name of maker and software. Just "Do you wanna install?" like.
    • Two mans stalked me at the airport, Even I got on the plane at the end of line. they were waiting for me. The one of them was sitting nearby where he can see me.
    • A man has smartphone was tried to take my photo when I left gate at the airport.
    • Strange man stalked me at airport again when to back.
    • Decided to encrypt my PC cause of above mentioned.
      Meshed many stalkers which I took picture of them to pass police.
    • One day, Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin's boss was appeared behind my car where I was at parking of a local fish market where the tourist won't come there. He pick his cellphone to call somewhere and modded. He moved his rental car in front of entrance of fish market and stopped for 3 mins and got out from the parking after 5 mins and went to central city of my town where he came from. It happened after 5 mins right after I got there.
    • Toyota Vangard colored in white looks rental car was appeared strange place where nobody parked there usually because the place is for drink bar and the time is before noon, It's when to back to my home town right after above matter. they have mouth guard and sunglasses to protect their face.When to through the road they hide their face. I  found It looks Savvis Norihiko Yayoi and lady there. They are CRIMINAL and does GANG STALKING to been made me schizophrenia and appeared in hospital in 2012 october
    • ATOS IT Service Delivery Manager Jun Kosuga@Linkedin(www.facebook.com@Jay.Kosuga) was appeared at my station when to visit Kiosk by chance and his colleague was talked to him "He is encrypted his PC, It's very doubtful". They put big sungrass like facebook, has a stubbly beard and face guard. I have never heard he is flower pollen.
    • Has been heard strange conversation around my house every day. And, When I found strange plastic transparent parts near electronic device and I put cover on plastic transparent parts, I could hear They are talking "Has he found it out?" in Japanese man around 30 years old. there is no such young person in neighbourhood.
    • Heard "Yamamoto!", "Boss!", "Let's send it to Manu-LAN" from neighbourhood house
    • Somebody knocked my house even he is no matter to contact my house when my parents was absence and loudly talked by phone "This is the house suspend on the internet?".
    • Somebody knocked my house strongly with neighbourhood walked around my house when my parents was absence. Even neighbourhood asked him to call cellphone but he said "he won't pick it up". <My question is Who is he?.
    • When I went to Tokyo to find a job. Right after the station, A strange man in the group was appeared in front of me and said "Similarly?" and pointed to me. The other guy was appeared went through in front of me said "if we took of his picture, we can get prize. well..." One guy was appeared to put hidden camera and mic. Next day I stayed Starbucks there was suspicious matter Barista was talking something strangely about me like. After I left I got collision campaign everywhere I was surprised about it. Even I hide to move in the bus and taxi, They followed me and can find me out and some cars mobbed me and has 666 and so on. A man in front of me was walking and he read smartphone up like mobbed "An insurance company's No.2 is working on this" like and "GANG(Yakuza) is coorporated to this". (Gass stalking) . 
    • During on my way home from Tokyo, A Chinese was appeared behind my sheet where there were many vacancies in the train and kicked my sheet directly many times even he sat down not right behind me and disappear right before cabin attendant came. Next, The other man was talking "He will be killed at local station or hub station" and so on. And, Even I did not see him, He said to his colleague "He stared at me, I'm not scared of him (mama)" like child even he is around 63 years old. After that, They got off the train at Osaka and Kyoto. After that, A man around 40 years was appeared and back and forth to the auto door and talking by his mobile "He is at seat line 5 of 2nd car". Where I and a man has a kids sat the seat line. What a funny day for me! After I got to local bus station. A guy frequently appeared in front of me was appeared to take my photo like when I waiting for a taxi at home town in the night. He is fat face and onion hair around 168cm. He mobbed many times and has the car Crown number 8700 and I read it up like Kazaguruma Yashichi it could be by V2K. But I won't read it up usually.
    • The other day, I knew I don't need to call the insurance office for resigning my social insurance which I had been kept from ex-company. But My father was insisted in calling to them even I explained many times logically. Anyway, I called them but some how I forgot to go out calling. I knew I've been got TEMPEST or hidden bug in my room according to the suspicious matter. But I called at my home and told them about my social insurance resignation. She told me "Why did you get a job?" like the tone is like I was so surprised. it looks something happen there like Tadashi Toyama who has been done power harassment on me again in the office and mobbing me.
    • Many cars were back and forth in front of my house how come even it's stucked and strange conversation like "Don't be talked!" which I have ever heard the voice and said "Are you a employee of Mxxxxxxx insurance, too?". 
    • Neighbourhood was discussing "Where we can use for the day". "You can use behind my house but not foreground" Then, The man told her "You got money from us, didn't you?" like threat to her to provide more good place to mobb.
    • Heard Tadashi Toyama's voice loudly "Similarly!!!" and strange conversation has been continued.
    • Has been continued strange talk and car parked at Neighbourhood A, B, C, D many times and human noise in the night her parking But She has no car and won't drive by herself.
    • Neighbourhood A made a complain to my parents about I was in front of her house with hand-lights in the night when I was absence after two days of the my walk. When I checked in front of neighbourhood house around 22:00 where the person has been cooperated with them and has been heard several suspicious foot noise from there in the mid-night. So, I carefully check around them sometimes. At that time, Nobody was  there around 22:00 actually.  She complained my parents is after 2 days mean is somebody asked neighbourhood A to complain for making me a fall to my parents. 
      • Logical thinking, If she is going to do so it will be next day.
    • Heard unknown lady's voice "He or She has Macintosh!" in the affternoon where the Neighbourhood B(Basement). and I can hear the motor sounds of water pomp runs in front of me when I take a bath. But actually the location is different physically.
    • Bad Time has come, It happened to take me away to bring hospital by my parents and to force me taking antipsychotic drug to make me schizophrenia like Tadashi Toyama did before. It was when I slept and it was early morning. It's caused of provocation know as mobbing by the 3rd forces includes gang, ATOS Origin, Tadashi TOyama@Linkedin(Japan), neighbourhood, unknown Korean, mentally handicapped person and life weak person. They are pretend we are acquaintance of neighbourhood or we are office worker.
      • They surely knew antipsychotic drug will break human brain, neuron, body and lose quality of your life. you will become wont be able to think, talk, remember during the medicine taken period and lose your body control. It's difficult to stop antipsychotic drug not like stomach medicine.if It takes for a week you can not stop the medicine immediately it will take two month or more usually three month and brain, neuron, body won't be recovered perfectly. it's reported by U.S doctor
    • Asked Lawyer to get out from hospital but the mental law and the judgement of public office and a hospital was not turned cause of their narrow mind, their vision and knowledge. THEY DON'T KNOW OR THEY MIGHT KNOW SCHIZOPHRENIA BY V2K but THEY JUST DO WHAT THEIR JOB FOR THEIR LIFE WITHOUT CONSIDERATION OF MY LIFE. THIS IS THE SUCKS LAW.
    • After left Hospital, I started to do drug deprivation by degree.
    • After I finished to do drug deprivation( more than 3 month), I started to find a job. This is last season to find a job in my life and from blank period view point. They knew my constraints and condition by V2K, TEMPEST, hidden mic also according to THEIR SCENARIO.


    • The flight ANA258(787) WAS ATTACKED BY MICROWAVE when I flew to Haneda in Jun 13 for the interview to revive my life. saw stalker, and faced strange phenomenon I could see many dust in front of my eyes in the meeting room howcome. When to back, ANA787 was again attacked by microwave. Also, I got strange hurts with my ear that I've never felt when I flew.
    • Felt like my back lobe was cut by something three times, parallelly and precisely like when I heard strange loud sounds like something ultrasonic plane comes and could heard strange voice around my home "Thank you, JAXA! Die, Yahoo! Yahoo is attacked by somebody like " and it's like news.
    • Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin was appeared in my night dream suddenly and I was kowtow to him. Even I was not anxious of him.
    • ATOS 2 guys was appeared in my dream and we made peace how come.
    • Like Many cicadas has started to make a noise like "Sine! Sine! Sine! Sine! Sine! Sine! which means Die! Die! Die! Die! ....  almost same tone of actual noise. 
    • ex-Company current CIO avatar was appeared in the white room in the night. But he was all black and has big yellow eyes said to me when I slept in my dream Let's start "THE SECOND STAGE"  The tone is very similar. But it's kind of different from what I know.
    • The other man around 60 years old contacted me remotely in the night when I slept and started to attack me by V2K and DEW to do brain wash and violence on me for 24 hours every day for now. These technology is VIOLENCE, PROVOCATION and TORTURE. It's REALLY HURTS INTO MY LOBE, HEART and URETHRA like stick into it by micro level wire. They can control anything in my body such any neuron and synapse which means they control EEG outside of my body via microwave. They can move my finger, eye, arms, tongue, mouth, sense, subliminal and everythings they want.
    • They've TORTURED BY DEW, V2K FOR 24 HOURS EVEN IT'S SLEEP even I turned on air conditioner they turned off by microwave immediately again and again. it was summer night. So, I CAN NOT WORK ON FINDING A JOB even it's THE LAST SEASON IN MY LIFE that their purpose, too.
    • Heard into my lobe by a man around 30 years old "We'll register you on ATOS PROFILING SYSTEM". 
    • After several days, They show me the flow chart like has many frogs was described when It's in my dream. 
    • A week later I also brought my PC out  at river side park against TEMPEST, I could hear strange voice "The man has PC near the river where the place I was a only man! " as incite and a BLACK HELICOPTER WAS APPEARED in the sky suddenly means that I could hear the sound loudly suddenly. They has no identification number and like watching me to move a little. After they has gone, I took my car. When I back to my home, The helicopter was followed me like the sounds was getting closely and very loud and something hit my roof that I could hear. So, I run very fast that I was about to crash at  cross road. This is their purpose, too. They really would like to KILL ME.
    • When I brought my PC outside of my house at parking. A common car has blinding light was appeared right after I got to the place and could hear strange sounds at the same time and I could not stand up well cause of it that seems be Ultra Sonic Weapon(USW) like SCREAM(Israel) that I could know about it later.
    • Again when to go out with my PC, I could hear the sounds of black helicopter again but it was too loud and where my place was invisible by plant from them. I imagine where I'm and the sound was moving to the place like I could hear. Actually, The image area was in optical lobe which means their super computer.(Avatar)
    • UFO came like Star Fighter(Drived by Darth Vader) I could hear the ultra sonic sounds into my lobe, Not helicopter and not Air force plane such F-35, They call INTERGATE. And, When I think other place the sounds was moving to the place like I could hear.(Avatar). At that time, Tadashi Toyama was appeared in the plane with Clones like Star Wars II.
    • Even this condition, I started to develop Android application to make money according to my app specification which I finished to develop around Jan 2014 and has been having many ideas since I finished to do the first drug deprivation around 2011. But... 
    • The other day, Neighbourhood B complained to my parents when I was absence and even I've not taken a photo of them that I took a picture of them. Somebody asked neighbourhood to make a complaint to my parents to make me schizophrenia
    • The day after the above matter, Again happened to force me to go hospital and with police who were hidden behind my room door to hear what I talk.
      • But I explained them about the matter logically and slowly to make them understand. 
    • Got scratch again and again where won't touch and strange line.
    • After that, The 3rd forces soon have CONTROLLED and KILLED MY BRAIN ACTIVITIES(THINK, TALK, TYPE, MOVE and so on) by V2K, NOT TO MAKE MONEY. The attack has been increased day by day TO KILL ME and also like TO BE KILLER like Mazda factory incident that actually it's made by V2K technology to kill him life.
    • My family pet was killed by poison. the cat spewed transparent water from his mouth according to my mother's talk. It happened same day as I got scratch on my car during the early morning at home. Also, I could know about it two weeks later also they refused to ask about it at that time.
      • I sometimes heard a man called his name of my family's cat. But not only one man it seems be two man at least.

    Even I could move to Chili republic, I think they can attack me. They use Satellite network and common Internet. They will put settop box with dock there to been attacked me .

    When to start developing Android App. They perfectly DISTURB MY BRAIN ACTIVITIES. CAN NOT KEEP MY IDEA AND MEMORY TO DEVELOP AN APP. I know THIS BLOG IS THEIR PURPOSE, too. But I must disclose this around the world Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin(Japan) ATOS(ATO.PA) known as ATOS ORIGIN, is MURDER and KILLER.

    See more information about gangstalking by clicking the label of right side of this page.

    • Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin(Japan) http://jp.linkedin.com/pub/tadashi-toyama/18/b6b/7a8 (Birthday 1959/1/20?, Age 55?,Looks: like professor-X, baldness, Born in Tochigi, Shinshu University, Wheelchair, White Benz (E211 COMPRESSOR, 品211), Address: live in Setagaya ward about 4 km range from Kinuta park, Use Eli lily insulin at Showa University Hospital, HDX CART, Wheelschair Tennis), or Foregin car from his character. (Japanese Name:外山 忠司)
    • Jun Kosuga@Linkedin(Japan) http://jp.linkedin.com/pub/jun-kosuga/0/1b7/515(Address: Suginami-ward, Born in Yokohama, IT Service Delivery Manager, ITIL, ITLM, Known as Jay Kosuga at Hong Kong https://www.facebook.com/Jay.Kosuga (Japanese:小須 賀潤)
    • Kentaro Hayashi@facebook https://www.facebook.com/kentaro.hayashi.714 (Age: around 30, Man, Address: Kawasaki,freestyle soccer, ) (Japanese:林 賢太郎)
    • Some ATOS employees(one guy run away to Volvo IT in Tokyo who is Ludovic Jaffary)
    • All are mans (Hirayama, Teramoto, Ishii, Hirabayashi, Sugimoto, Yamamoto, Kameyama, Kaneyama, Kaneda, Kameda, Ishibashi, Nomura)
    • Gang(Yamaguchi-gumi and so on)
    • Detectives(Who has license but actually Gang has Gun in hidden to protect)
    • The Religious body, mentally weakness person and life weakness person.
    • Neighbourhood(who believes "Tokyo" is cool, Major company, Major segment, Corporate ID card)
    You can identify you are stalked by V2K or not at the label "How to identify" of the page.

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