V2K can make you cognitive impairment in stealth via microwave around you. if you face gang stalking or strange matter. There will be SCENARIO, PROGRAM and COMMAND to make you control and anchoring by EEG in stealth. This is gang stalker technique to make you a fall such traffic accidents and schizophrenia and so on. Actually There is nothing. The most of illnesses seems be generated by V2K includes microwave.
- Make me drop my smartphone and other electronic devices by command
- Too many scratch and bend my keyboard and attachment of body and keyboard
- Lose value of electronic devices which possible to sell in a shop as usual.
- Make me drop my baggage includes my PC by SCENARIO even I know where the baggage there but they make me to drop from stairs.
- Too many scratch and bend my keyboard and attachment of body and keyboard
- Lose value of electronic devices which possible to sell in a shop as usual.
- Make me forgot to do something when it's necessary and remembrance when it's already been late.
- Make shop not to tell me when it will close even I'm new for the shop. This is V2K to send them command via microwave not to tell me the sales time range.
- Remembrance when it's already been closed to go there and see anchoring number on a car number like always happen like this according to phycological view point and like childhood movie.
- Make me remembrance like my memory but actually they upload the fake data by command for the SCENARIO which is to see the number on a car and try to kill me by other car at cross road.
- Even I read the upload data as my memory, There is nothing there it was looking for my task to have it. They upload fake data as my memory. They has been tried to make a chance killing me on a road by another car or wasting my time and money(gass).
- Even I back to my room for I forgot something but again I forgot to do. It was just only 1 min ago that I remembered.
- Make me remembrance of my payment for the month end around 20th, After the day, I've been getting to forget about it day by day like. But I will remembrance around 19:20. also about lunch around 13:20. Even I setup my google schedule it won't work and no beep.
- Even I'm really interested in the products and the service on TV and even I read the name up many times how come, I forgot about it after 30 mins.
- So, I searched it on Google by typing "Facebook, Billion, VR" then I got the information about "Oculus" Then, bookmarked it but they can be messed up my bookmark of Chrome by Google Sync that they know my account and password by reading brain and TEMPEST or crack https session. At that time it was very difficult to type the word in the search box. I always have been disturbed by V2K according to programming, scenario and commands.
- I was aware of a car comes from back the car was similer of what I saw it at neighbourhood parking. But When I saw the car nearby after 5 mins, I forgot where it comes from even I saw.
- Make me forgot the proper word or standard word in my age and make me use a word of elementary school at first. Actually they send me the word by degree by EEG of V2K
- Evidence will be uploaded soon
- Even I saw a character on TV but They changed to another character in my brain what I recognized.
- Can not concentrate on something cause of noise around me even I'm not listened about it.
- EEG to force to listen by V2K
- Can not understand the sentences even I wrote them so I have to read them many times.
- Can not read the word properly which I will have other word in my brain even I know the word.
- When to have something, I drop something suddenly even I can do it well before.
- So on....
Telepathy like:
- Even I don't see it when I drive or doing something. I can see a number in front of my car and a human into my lobe which means these are under control by V2K and it's in super computer created the motion video and send it to my lobe by V2K(Telepathy device such Medusa)
- Evidence will be uploaded soon
- A car was parked at strange neighbourhood parking when I backed to my home not as usual time which is lunch time and I know they read my think so I read the number from opposite side on purpose. After the lunch I backed to a cafe on same road as usual. At that time, I saw a car the car number has what I thought when I backed. I'm not sure which is which like which mean is I was though by V2K about reading the car number or V2K bring the car has the number according to my think.
- Evidence will be uploaded soon
V2K make you a fall;
- Cognitive impairment (moving around without his thinks)
- Schizophrenia
- Traffic accidents
Criminals are http://keplerpeace.blogspot.jp/search/label/GangstalkingOrg
〜 記載中 〜 やつらのデータベースに登録する為にこれらの言葉を入力時に妨害されているので後ほど更新します。
- 体の動きを微細に操縦してスマートフォンや電子機器などを落とさせる攻撃(Command)
- PCの入っている鞄を不安定な場所に置かせ意識をハイジャックして落とさせる攻撃(シナリオ)
- 必要な時に忘れさせる、時間が過ぎた時に思い出させる
- 事前にショップ店員の思考を操縦し新しい客にも営業時間を伝えない操縦。
- その時に違う問題を起こさせる。それが店員に全く違う電話番号を思考させて伝えさせる攻撃がきたことで集中力を欠かせ論理思考を阻害する攻撃。
- ショップに行かなければ行けないのに閉まった時間になるとなぜか思い出し向かわせ、そしてこのような場合その経路で必ずと言っていい程、よく目にする数字が現れる。例えばそれが車で駐車違反や乱暴な運転またはあまりにも遅い運転などをしているため余計目につく。なお、この数字は世間一般的に言われている数字。
- 部屋の中で物をなくす事が増える。全く違う場所においているケースが増える。
- 無くした物が必要な状態になった時に、遠方に居る時に自分の記憶の様に思い出させ取りに行かせるが、実際にはない。
- よく見る数字のナンバーや妨害するかのような車が増える(注意散漫でかつ変わった運転をする車が増え死亡交通事故を狙っているようだ)