It is not caused of me. It depends on you you believe this or not because it's really difficult to identify it's controlled by microwave or not because it's over the air to attack you and electronic devices in stealth.
First of all, Microwave can control all Things such Brain, neuron transmission, PC, Car breaks response and so on that has brain and c'lock frequency. Definitely, It's not possible to control Things only microwave. The 3rd forces put EEG, microcode over microwave to your body, electronic devices and so on.
- It's very rare I forgot something to bring on the day on my way office and back to my home right after I left my home therefore I lost 10 mins to get to express highway .
- I saw very strange traffic jam soon I usually through there and won't face such traffic jam in the time range and season. Even there was no accident and out of order car. All car moved few 10 meter for 1 min and stopped and wait for 10 mins to move again.
- How come when to get into the jam I started to think about my work for today and occupied.
- After that, I got an email from my acquaintance after long time and had emotion that I want to read now. Then, My face was moved to the cellphone.
- I made 20m distance between front car and me. I slowly follow the car by my view but when to move my face to the cellphone. The view was getting narrow and could not hear to confirm a car moves sounds. I felt my body and breaks works strangely right before I crash into the car. I was come down to drive my car but...
- I immediately push the breaks by my foot but the car won't stop immediately even it's slow upper slope, enough distance to stop and less than 20km per hour speed. It was very strange matter to me.
- After that, I went to office and worked until the last train because I was going to take long summer vacation from next day. And I've got to do so many things to bring efficiency.
- At that time, There were 2 colleague except me. it was about 21:30. and they looked at me and talked in whisper "Did he got an accidents, didn't he?", "He is still there!", "He must be busy." I confirmed they look at me or not and they surely looked at me and talked.
I did not mention anyone about my accident in the office on the day! But, How come? Some colleague knew about it.
When it happened I could not identify this is V2K Mind Game Scenario. But I had been having strange matter cause of Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin(Japan) right after I joined and for now. Now surely I can say that Tadashi Toyama@Linkedin(Japan) and ATOS ORIGIN worked on this to bankrupt my life.
Why I could not take a day off for a long time was Tadashi Toyama has been pushed me many various job to work that I can not utilize my knowledge and experience and it's lower position than ever.
Please take a look in below also you will know as a matter of fact.
Mind Game beside you
Mind Game by V2K Programing - still in Japanese
- 何時も周期的に朝の用意をこなし出社するが、その日はなぜか忘れ物をして10分ロスした。
- その後とても変わった奇妙な断続渋滞に遭遇した。いままであの場所では断続渋滞に遭遇したことが無い、また故障車や事故で発生した物でもないということをカーナビで確認している。
- その断続渋滞に差し掛かる前に、運転中何時もリラックスしているのに、なぜか仕事のことで頭がいっぱいになる。
- その断続渋滞の流れで変わった動きをする車が現れた。そして「ストップランプがとても見づらい車と感じるとともにストップランプが見えるな」と余計なことを思考したりしている。(本来であれば今日会社についてまず何を行うかを考える)
- そのタイミングで最近全くメールが来なかった知人から朝メールが入る。
- なぜかそれに目をやらせ読みたいという欲求がなぜか現れ、顔がそっちにむく。
- 車間距離は十分に開けていたのに、さらに視野には車が入っていたのに、なぜか視野がせまくなり、外音の聞こえが変わったことに気づけない状態が発生した。ぶつかる直前に体や車の異変に気づいた。
- さらに低速走行でかつ、車間も停止できる程十分にあったのに、それも登り坂道で、ブレーキ踏んだのに全くブレーキが効かない状態となった。つまりブレーキの効きがとても悪い現象に直面した。
- V2Kによる認知機能低下(感覚)と電気信号の伝達操縦
- その後素早く処理を済ませ出社した。
- 翌日からは長期の夏休みだったため今日仕事を済ませることが大切だったため、21:30位まで残業している。すると、川崎財閥組の同僚のマネージャ2名が「A. XXXさん交通事故にあったんだって?」「A. まだいるね」「B. 仕事大変なんだよ」という小さな声で話しているのが見えた。横目でしっかりと確認したので聞き間違いでも見間違いでもない。